
One of the more obscure ingredients used in Jahmu, fenugreek (trigonella foenum graecum) is a small green plant whose leaves grow in clusters of three.  Fenugreek is cultivated and used as a vegetable and spice in many parts of the world, and it lends Jahmu a rich, silky texture and a delicate sweetness that provides contrast with Jahmu’s spicier, aromatic components. Fenugreek lends a subtle maple flavor to curries and other dishes. 

Fenugreek is grown in arid climes around the world, and there is evidence of its cultivation going as far back as the ancient Egyptians; desiccated fenugreek seeds were found interred in the legendary King Tut’s tomb.  Today, India is the world’s largest producer of fenugreek.
Fenugreek has a rich history as a folk remedy with a variety of different applications; it was reputed to aid in inducing childbirth, to soothe digestive problems, and ease the symptoms of menopause.  More recently, fenugreek has been adopted as a treatment for diabetes and as an appetite stimulant.  Although there is not enough concrete scientific evidence to draw any particular conclusions regarding fenugreek’s health benefits, several small scale studies have indicated that fenugreek is effective in lowering the blood sugar levels of those suffering from diabetes.  In another study, this one examining depression, there has also been evidence of fenugreek seeds acting in an antidepressant capacity on animal subjects.

On top of its potential health benefits, fenugreek is also a great source protein, calcium, and iron, making it a valuable facet of Jahmu’s nutritional profile, to say nothing of its flavor.  (See National Nutrient Database for details.)

Because fenugreek was historically used, in very high quantities, to induce labor in pregnant women,  we’d advice you to consult your doctor about having our products if you are pregnant. Each of our products only contain about 10-15mg of ground fenugreek per serving. Turmeric-Ginger Extract is our only fenugreek free product at the moment.

Fenugreek is a legume and therefore a relative of the peanut plant- so those with peanut allergies should consider reading this article   and talking with their doctor before having our products. 

By Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé derivative work: Ninjatacoshell (Illustration_Trigonella_foenum-graecum0.jpg) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons