Jahmu can help fight SUGAR cravings!

By Erin Ernest

How does your sugar intake stack up?

“Sugar is a deep, ancient craving,” Daniel Lieberman, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard University, said.

Lieberman explained that early humans looked for sweet fruits and vegetables because they contained the natural sugars that give us energy.  Of course, early humans did not have Twinkies or bake sale chocolate cupcakes to entice them, but the temptation has always been there.


Sugar—a nationwide epidemic

Just how much sugar is the average American consuming?  According to the Kolp Institute, the average adult woman should not consume more than six teaspoons of sugar per day, and men should stay under nine teaspoons. Today, the average American adult consumes an average of 22 teaspoons of sugar every day, the average American child consumes more than 32 teaspoons of sugar a day, and the average teenage male consumes more than 42 teaspoons of sugar per day. The downfall of refined sugar is that while all living cells need glucose in order to function, processed, or refined, sugars undoubtedly do not provide the body with nutritional benefits.


The downfall of refined sugar

If you’re trying to lose weight or get fit, consuming a great deal of refined sugar will not benefit you Recent research published in the National Library of Medicine has proven that chronic consumption of these sugars actually numbs the brain’s anorexigenic oxytocin system, which is a sensor that prevents the body from overeating.  What then occurs is the body stops sending a signal to the brain that tells it to stop eating, thus leading to overeating and obesity.

Numerous studies have found that consumption of added sugars has been implicated in increased risk of a variety of chronic diseases including obesity, cardiovascular disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), as well as cognitive decline, and even some cancers.

According to the American Diabetes Association, research has shown that both being overweight and drinking sugary drinks puts you at risk of Type II diabetes.

What’s more, although more research needs to be done, some studies show that refined sugar consumption reduces our brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Our BDNF assists us with memory and learning. When this number is low, it can lead to difficulty learning and concentrating, and links have discovered a connection between this level and Alzheimer’s, depression and dementia.

Cholesterol is also affected by blood pressure and blood glucose. If your blood glucose and blood pressure are high, your cholesterol numbers may be off, as well. All of these are risk factors for diabetes and heart disease.

Different types of sugar

The truth is, sugar is an essential part of human physiology. All food—not just refined sugar—is broken down into a simple sugar that is stored in our liver or as fat. Our body draws upon this reserve to continuously fuel our organs. The main hormone that regulates this process is called insulin. Other hormones that fluctuate in response to high and low blood sugar levels are epinephrine and cortisol. These are only a few of the hormones that work to ensure that the body constantly receives the sugar it needs, even if we aren’t eating. However, there are better ways to get the energy the body needs, while eating in ways that regulate blood sugar levels so they’re most effective.

Different foods effects our blood sugar in different ways. Glycemic index is a measurement system used to identify how much a food raises the blood sugar level. A high glycemic index means that the food is rapidly digested, resulting in a significant fluctuation in blood sugar. Foods with a lower rating are digested more slowly and produce a more even blood sugar change after eating. High glycemic foods will cause your body to store more sugar as fat.  A drop in blood sugar will ensue, generally resulting in a craving for more sugar to balance it out.

These spikes and drops, and ensuing cravings that perpetuate the cycle, are what cause long-term health issues. Certain high glycemic foods—such as refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup—can cause a more severe spike and drop that our hormones may not be able to effectively regulate. Eating low glycemic foods can help create fewer blood sugar spikes and put less strain on the organs that release sugar-regulating hormones like insulin, cortisol and epinephrine.

There is a better way

Aside from having the willpower to just stop consuming foods that are horrible for us, how can we satisfy that same craving without the concern of diabetes, obesity, or even worse—heart disease and cancer? In addition to choosing natural sugars with lower glycemic indexes such as coconut sugar and male syrup, there are also sweet-tasting herbs that bring out the flavor of your food while improving your overall health. Delicious and nutritious, the following spices and herbs can not only satisfy your cravings without negative side effects, but they can be found in every serving of Jahmu Chai!


Inviting and festive, cinnamon is a spice that reminds us of holiday cheer!  It also happens to be loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and polyphenols that help to reduce sugar cravings by controlling blood glucose levels.

Sprinkle some on your favorite healthy snacks (sweet potatoes and yogurt are a great place to start) or into your smoothie for a delicious kick that will help your body lower the risk of disease.


If you truly want to regulate your blood sugar or want to soothe what ails your stomach, look no further than cloves.

Cloves contain it all—antioxidants, anthocyanins and an anti-inflammatory called Eugenol—that has been shown to reduce joint inflammation and may even help lower the risk of digestive tract cancers that can be caused by a lifetime of eating sugary foods.  

Cloves are delicious in teas, sauces, marinades, stews and even sprinkled over your favorite vegetables to add an extra kick of flavor.


Do you love the taste of maple syrup?  Enter Fenugreek—an herb that can be used to assist in the management of diabetes, stomach disorders and anemia, just to name a few.

Fenugreek can be used to control blood sugar and keep sugar cravings at bay. According to a study published by the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, “fenugreek delayed the onset of diabetes in subjects with prediabetes and even helped to reduce fasting plasma glucose, postprandial fasting glucose, and LDL cholesterol.”  What’s more, the control group had a “4.2 times higher chance of developing Type II diabetes compared to subjects in the fenugreek group.”

Fenugreek is in of the main ingredients in Jahmu chai and November’s spice of the month!  Learn more about Fenugreek here.

Herbs and spices for overall health

Cinnamon, fenugreek and cloves are just a few of the nutrient- and antioxidant-rich herbs and spices that should be added into the lifestyle of anyone who is trying to curb sugar cravings.  

These and other spices in Jahmu can help satisfy a sugar craving. The next time you crave sugar, prepare yourself a warm cup of Jahmu chai with a fatty or nut milk and sweeten it with stevia, maple syrup, honey or coconut sugar. Maybe even treat yourself by throwing in a few chocolate chips and enjoying the jahmu with a spoon!


Gluten-Free Gingersnap Cookie Recipe

The holidays are time for family, giving and yes, cookies. One of our favorite holiday cookies are gingersnaps; they bring about so much nostalgia and they just plain delicious.

We’ve updated the classic gingersnap recipe to include fresh, organic ingredients and Jahmu Chai, of course.  Best of all— they’re gluten-free! We hope you enjoy these comforting holiday cookies with family and friends this season.


  • 3/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup organic cane sugar
  • 1 cup organic brown sugar or coconut sugar
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup or molasses
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp fresh ground ginger
  • 1.5 TBS Jahmu
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1-1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 2-1/3 cups Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free 1-to-1 baking flour


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.

In a large mixing bowl, using a hand mixer, cream the coconut oil and the one cup of brown or coconut sugar. Add the molasses and eggs and continue mixing until well combined. Add the ginger, Jahmu, sea salt and baking soda and mix well.

Last, add the gluten-free flour and mix until well combined. The mixture will be slightly wet.

Roll the cookie dough into 1-inch balls, then roll each ball in the remaining ½ cup of cane sugar.

Lay the balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake for 15 minutes or until the cookies are crackled and set.

Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
Store in an airtight container.

Finding balance 

As an adrenaline junky and lover of extremes, I sometimes find it challenging to enjoy the simple things in life. I love dropping in on huge waves, spearing big fish, dancing all night, going on epic adventures; however, appreciating and deeply enjoying the simple things, like drinking a cup of tea, is what gives me the sense of balance that I crave.

I am learning to accept things just as they are instead of desiring them to be different. The awareness that I am out of balance is the first step to coming back into balance. As I drank a cup of Jahmu on the ferry this morning, I focused on acceptance, forgiveness, and gratitude. It naturally brought my mind, body and soul back to balance.

The next time you drink a cup of Jahmu try this simple tea meditation:

  • Pretend like your cup of tea is a magical healing elixir made of pure love and light.
    With each sip say to yourself “I forgive myself for….” “I accept myself for….” “I forgive (someone) for ….” “I accept (this situation)” “I accept (this part of my body)” “even though I ….. I still love and accept myself” “even though (so and so did something) I still love and except (that person)” 
  • Feel the warm of the tea resonating with this feeling of forgiveness and acceptance.
  • As you drink the remainder of your tea think of something you are grateful for and with each sip say to yourself “I am grateful for …. because….” Maybe you can even find gratitude for something you were having trouble accepting before or gratitude for a situation you previously saw nothing positive in.

Everything happens for the best possible reason (if you believe that it does) but we often don’t see the positive until after we have gone through extreme suffering. While some suffering is an unavoidable part of our human experience our relationship to surfing is always open to change!

Gratitude tea meditation

A daily meditation practice can increase your happiness, hone your focus and improve your health. Despite the growing body of scientific research on the benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices, most Americans do not incorporate meditation into their daily lives. However, most Americans do drink coffee, tea or water in the mornings. Turning tea or coffee time into a meditation is a great way to begin incorporating mindfulness into your life. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, this month’s tea meditation is focused on cultivating gratitude.

  1. Make a cup of Jahmu or any other type of tea, coffee or warm water. Let it cool to a drinkable temperature.
  2. Sit in a comfortable seat and hold your cup of tea in both hands.
  3. Take a few deep breaths, relax your hips and allow your tailbone to root into the earth. Lift your heart slightly, relax your shoulders and feel your spine lengthen as you breathe into your belly.
  4. Bring your awareness to your cup of tea and feel its warmth radiating through your hands and into your heart. Feel the love and energy from your heart flowing through your arms and hands into the cup. Imagine you are about to drink a magical cup of liquid sunshine that can transform you from the inside out, healing, cleansing, awakening every cell in your body.
  5. Cultivate a feeling of gratitude for this specific cup of tea. Why are you grateful for this cup of tea and for this moment of relaxation? As you take your first sip, feel the gratitude flowing down your throat, into your belly and spreading throughout your whole body.
  6. With each sip of tea think of something or someone you are grateful for. Really feel the gratitude in your body. If you want to heal a part of your body, practice being grateful for the parts of your body that are healthy. If you want to manifest abundance, feel grateful for all the wealth that you already have. If you want to feel more love and connection, feel grateful for all the people in your life and send them love. Maybe even think of a challenging situation in your life or a person with whom you are struggling with and try to find some aspect of that situation that you are truly grateful for. Why are you grateful for ….? Feel it in you body!
  7. Practicing gratitude is a great way to increase your happiness and to feel more connected and whole. When you are finished, thank your cup for holding the magical liquid. Thank yourself for taking the time to practice this meditation, and allow yourself to continue this practice throughout the day while you walk, drive, eat, work and play!


Stay tuned for more guided meditations!

Jahmu pumpkin coconut latte recipe

Try this hearty pumpkin based recipe in place of your regular morning latte, and soak in the flavors of the season with each sip.

The recipe below makes two cups, and is just as tasty served as a soup as it is drunk like tea. For tea, you may serve up to four times as many by simply adding hot water and whisking until it reaches your desired consistency.


  • ½ cup Organic Canned Pumpkin Purée,
  • 1½ cup unsweetened coconut milk (or any other type of milk),
  • 1TBS maple syrup,
  • dash of vanilla (optional),
  • 1tsp Jahmu Chai (caffeine free or with caffeine)


Combine all ingredients in a small pot on the stove. Stir or whisk while it heats up. Remove from heat right before it boils.  Serve in your favorite mug.

Add water to drink it like a tea, or use a spoon and eat it like soup!

(serves two as-is, or up to ten as tea)

Keep unused undiluted portions in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week. For tea, add hot water to the desired amount of cold, or reheated undiluted Jahmu pumpkin coconut latte.